Review & Giveaway – Earth Easy – All Purpose Cleaner in Rosemary & Peppermint – win a $50 gift card!


 I am so excited to share with all of you this amazing product hat I received from Earth Easy, it is the Sapadilla All Purpose Cleaner in Rosemary & Peppermint.

I was unsure about using an all purpose cleaner at first, I like most people had been brought up thinking that I need a different cleaner for every type of surface in my house.  One for kitchen countertops, another for bathroom sinks, one for stainless steel, etc.  Carrying all those different cleaners around was not only inconvenient, but it definitely adds up!

The Sapadilla all purpose cleaner does exactly what it claims and more.  I tried it on several different surfaces around my house, and it worked equally well on all of them, and also left a wonderful shine and best of all, the smell!  The combination for rosemary and peppermint is so wonderful and refreshing.  The cleaner is highly concentrated, so you dilute it before using, and you really have to hardly use any.  This cleaner is going to last me a very long time!

Along with working so well, it’s also safe and natural.  With three small children in the house, many house plants, and two dogs, I always want to use something that is safe.  This cleaner is plant based, biodegradable, and earth friendly.  The wonderful scent comes from 100% natural blended essential oils, so there aren’t any fake fragrances or colors added.

Earth Easy has been an absolute dream to work with.  Their ordering process is simple and straightforward, and they give a lot of information about their products as well as have reviews.  My favorite part about ordering from Earth Easy was the fact that I received e-mail updates about my order, shipping, and delivery.  I never had to go and check on my order to see what was going on, they made sure to keep me informed the entire time!

Want to hear the best part?!  YOU have a chance to win a $50 GIFT CARD from Earth Easy!!!  They have so many amazing products and I can’t wait for one of my lucky readers to get a chance to try them.  Entering is easy!

To Enter:

Sign up for the Earth Easy newsletter by clicking here

After you sign up, leave a comment in the comments section with your e-mail address.

For Additional Entries:

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Make sure to leave one comment per entry.  Winner will be chosen at random, contest ends Friday, December 19th at midnight.  Good luck!


You can also see my video review on the product here-

How To Keep the Holidays as Stress Free as Possible

Thanksgiving came and left in the blink of an eye.  Isn’t it amazing how we spend an entire day cooking (sometimes even two!) just for one night of dinner?  It is a lot of work, but it’s definitely worth it.  Bringing family and friends together over an enormous, delicious dinner one night of the year is priceless.  It also seems to be the one night when the children actually eat their dinner!

Along with all the joy and love that the holidays bring, it also brings an enormous amount of stress.  Family members stopping by or staying over, decorating, cooking, cleaning, shopping… it seems to never end.  The holidays should be a time to celebrate, not to be stressed out!  Here’s how you do it.


Lists, lists, lists.

I swear I could not function without making lists!  Really, I don’t know how anyone functions without making lists.  When you try to rely on keeping everything memorized in your head is when things are forgotten and mistakes happen, which definitely add to your stress.  As mothers and wives we are pulled in a million different directions at all times, so having a list to rely on to remember things rather than our memory is a huge help.

Here are all of the things you should create a list for in preparation of the upcoming holiday:

Christmas Card Recipients

Christmas Gift Recipients & What They Will Be Receiving

Christmas Dinner Menu

Christmas Dinner Groceries

If you are going to have guests staying over you will also need:

Guests Visiting & Arrival/Departure Dates

Checklist for essential guestroom items

(If you also celebrate on Christmas Eve as well you will need to add it to the list)


Along with your lists, you will also need to schedule dates for everything.  You want to have a date set for when you will have all your Christmas cards completed and sent out by, when all your gifts will be purchased and wrapped and mailed if necessary, what day you are going to put up all of your Christmas decor, when you are going to grocery shop for your Christmas dinner groceries, what foods you can make or prep in advance and how long,

Besides creating lists and schedules, I also recommend keeping extras of things just to be as prepared as possible for the unexpected.  What if another family member wants to stop by or stay over?  Maybe you receive a gift or Christmas card from someone that you didn’t expect?  Extra Christmas cards are a must, and having a few gift cards from popular places like Amazon, Target, or Starbucks make it easy to give a gift to someone you weren’t expecting.  Also having extra travel size toiletries and towels can be so helpful.

Eliminating stress during the holidays means having everything prepared so you are not sitting around worrying or trying to remember something.  Have it all written out and done in advance!  Another huge help is sticking to your cleaning schedule!  You won’t have to worry about doing any major cleaning before guests arrive because it will already be done.


So sit down, get organized, and have a stress free holiday!





Schedules, Routines, and Habits – the key to a smooth operation


Any homemaker/housewife/stay-at-home mother knows that what they do is a full time job.  We don’t work M-F 9-5, our jobs are 24/7/365!  We don’t get a break, our work is constant.  That being said, that doesn’t mean you should have to be “actually working” the entire time.  Your day should not be overwhelming.  You should not be cleaning from dust ’till dawn.  There must be balance between work and pleasure, and this is made possible using schedules, routines, and forming good habits.

I have mentioned in previous posts the importance of a schedule.  Everything needs to be done with purpose and in order.  You shouldn’t be going from room to room doing random chores and only half completing something before moving on to the next.  Just like you would at a desk job, you need to have a schedule at your home job.


The first thing you want to start with is creating a cleaning schedule.  This should include daily, weekly, monthly, and quarterly or seasonal cleaning.  First start out with your daily tasks, things that need to be done every single day.  This might include doing the dishes, picking up and organizing rooms, doing laundry, making beds, taking out the garbage and recycle, cleaning the kitchen, sweeping/mopping/vacuuming… anything that needs to be done every day.  Next you need to figure out your weekly schedule.  This can be done many different ways.  I’ve found that what works best for me is to completely clean one category of our home everyday.  For example, Monday is my kitchen day.  I clean the kitchen top to bottom.  Tuesday I clean the bedrooms, this includes washing bedding, dusting, washing windows, etc.  Wednesday is my bathroom day, so I clean all the bathrooms in house top to bottom including washing towels and rugs.  Of course this method may not work for you, and that’s perfectly fine!  Another way to do your weekly schedule may be something like Mondays and Wednesdays you dust, mop and vacuum, and clean windows.  Tuesdays and Thursdays you clean linens and bathrooms.  Fridays you clean the kitchen.  Whatever works for you and your needs is best!  It may even take some experimenting to figure out what best works for you.  Once you have your weekly schedule, it’s time to make your monthly schedule.  Obviously this will include some more deep cleaning things that don’t need to be done as often.  Monthly chores may include things like cleaning grout, oiling wood furniture, reorganizing your pantry, and cleaning out your refrigerator and freezer.  Once you’ve completed that list, it’s on to the extreme cleaning, quarterly or seasonal cleaning.  My chores for these lists include things like washing walls, flipping mattresses, dry clean bedding, switch out closets to appropriate season, clean dryer houses, clean carpets, etc.


Once you have your schedules’ completed, stick to them!  You will want to create a list of all these things that is somewhere safe, perhaps on your computer or put into a binder that you can easily refer to.  The next thing you’ll want to do is get yourself a planner.  This planner is going to be your new best friend, always by your side to help you whenever you need it.  Each night before you go to sleep, you will want to create your tentative schedule for the following day.  I say tentative because let’s face it, anything can happen to throw you off track.  Your schedule has to be somewhat flexible.  You will also want to be pretty detailed with your schedule.   You want to be the master of your day, not the victim!  Obviously the first thing on your schedule will be determining what time you wake up.  Trust me, I’m about as far from being a morning person as one can get.  But with time, I’ve learned that an ounce of morning is worth a pound of afternoon.  It’s amazing how much can be accomplished before breakfast!  Next, in planning your schedule for the day, be sure to give the correct things the correct priority.  It should go in this order, the needs and companionship of your husband and children, second home duties, and third outside duties.  Fit in your cleaning tasks for the day properly.  Also plan out your meals for the day, make sure that you include in your schedule proper preparation time.  It’s a good idea to prepare as much in advance as possible.  Also, make sure you are working forward and not backwards.  By this I mean if you know you are going to have a lot of dishes with dinner for the night and your dishwasher is already half full, get the dishes done ahead of time.  This way when dinner is finished and you are cleaning up, you have an empty dishwasher waiting for you.

Another thing you will want to keep in your planner is a list of projects you’d like to get completed around the house.  Many planners include a notes section, and this list could be kept there.  This list may include things like reorganizing a closet or drawer, or redecorating the guest room.  This list will come in handy when you find you have some extra free time and need something to fill it with.  Another list to keep in your planner is of household of personal things you’d like to purchase at the appropriate time.  I can’t count the number of times I’ve come across something I wanted to buy in the future, but didn’t write it down and couldn’t remember it later.  This list will prevent that!  Another list, and what I would consider to be the most important one, is a list of things you have run out of and need to purchase on your next trip to the store.  You will want to keep this list handy and be able to tear it out for each shopping trip, so you may want to keep an extra small notebook for this purpose.  Some planners that are made specifically for mothers’ and homemakers actually have a grocery list that you can tear out each week, so that could be used for this purpose as well.  Anytime you run out of something, be sure to write it down on this list right away, that way you won’t forget later.  Also as you are planning your meals, make sure you have all the ingredients needed, anything you don’t have will be added to this list.  There’s nothing worse than going to get the horseradish sauce your husband loves with his meal out of the refrigerator and realizing you ran out of it a few days ago and forgot to get more!  This list will prevent that sort of thing from happening.


In your planner you will also want to be sure to write down birthday’s and other important dates, as well as things you need to get done in advance.  For example if you need to custom order a birthday cake a week before someone’s birthday in order for it to be ready in time, make sure you write that down!  The life of a housewife can be so busy and almost overwhelming at times, it’s easy to forget things.

Of course, be sure to schedule in some time for yourself!  Whether it be reading, catching up on your favorite show, or knitting, it’s so important to do something for yourself everyday.  Don’t become a slave to your home.  Keeping yourself on schedule will keep you happy and truly find pleasure and satisfaction in what you do!




Here are the cleaning schedules’ I use, they are Word Documents so you can edit them as necessary to match your needs!


Fall Cleaning Spring Cleaning Friday – Office & Outdoors Monthly Cleaning Thursday – Living & Dining Rooms Wednesday – Bathrooms Tuesday – Bedrooms Monday – Kitchen Daily Cleaning

Spring Cleaning!




Everyone’s favorite time of year has arrived, time for spring cleaning!  Hopefully I got a little laugh out of you from that, because I hate to admit it, but I too dread spring cleaning.  As a housewife and mother our schedules are absolutely crazy sometimes, and it can be hard to find the time to fit spring cleaning in.

My first piece of advice is try not to squeeze everything in at once.  Take a week to complete everything if you need to do so, don’t let yourself get overwhelmed.  Yes the deep cleaning needs to be done, but it isn’t the number one priority.  Our daily tasks need to be completed as well, so don’t let your spring cleaning supersede them.  My next piece of advice is that your house should already be clean!  Spring cleaning shouldn’t be a giant task, it should be preparing for the summer months and doing some deep cleaning that is not included in your daily, weekly, or monthly cleaning schedule.

I know what you’re thinking.  Easier said than done right?  How on earth am I suppose to keep a clean house when I’m running all over town between school, soccer practice, and gymnastics?  The answer is to make yourself a schedule and stick to it!  This way when spring cleaning and fall cleaning come around, it’s not a huge project to clean your entire house, it’s just doing some extra things.  Plus, keeping your home clean can provide such serenity, and if a friend makes a surprise visit you don’t have to worry or be embarrassed.  Everything is already neat and tidy!


I am going to share with you all my daily, monthly, and seasonal cleaning schedules.  They are in a word document so you can edit them as necessary to fit to your home.  I would suggest printing them out, putting them in sheet protectors, and putting them into a binder.  I put sheet protectors over mine so that I can use a dry erase marker and check or cross things off as I go along.  So, below are my schedules, I hope you enjoy them and fine use in them.  Happy spring cleaning!


Daily Cleaning Monday – Kitchen Tuesday – Bedrooms Wednesday – Bathrooms Thursday – Living & Dining Rooms Friday – Office & Outdoors Monthly Cleaning Spring Cleaning Fall Cleaning